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Salam..mau bertanya, di tempat kami menggunakan PABX KX-TA616, bagaimana cara menambahkan modul extension 8 jadi bisa 24 extension,kira2 biayanya berapa y pak..kalo untuk telepon (baru pasang) yang di hunting sebagai anak hunting dipasang di CO4-CO5-CO6 apa harus diprogram juga, apa hanya tinggal pasang aja di Socket CO4s/dCO6 tersebut..sebelumnya terima kasih

Cara Program Pabx Panasonic Kx-ta308

Bisa, caranya :Masuk ke program [009]ganti jack 1 menjadi 199 (atau nomor yang tidak dipakai)ganti jack 9 menjadi 101ganti jack 1 menjadi 109selesaiterima kasih kembali

met malam pak Haris.. persh tempat kerja saya menggunakan pabx panasonic kx 308 . ke 24 extension kami pergunakan semua, namun ada salah satu ext yang bisa dipakai untuk tilp ke ext lain tetapi jika ditilpon tidak bisa. nadanya seakan tidak ada sambungan, mohon petunjuk agar bisa dipakai lagi. cattan: pabx second tidak ada buku manualnya, terima kasih

Selamat siang pak aries.saya sudah simak semua belum ada yg bertanya masalah mendasar yg saya alami.saya baru pindah kantor dan menemukan pabx ta-616.dan mw di pergunakan lg.klo kabel yg dari telkom masuk ke co1 kan pak.apakah untuk programnya harus conek ke cpu dan sofwearnya bisa di dapa t di mana? Saya bener2 baru pegang pabx dan mw belajar.mohon pencerahannya

Setau saya lebih kurang caranya hampir sama, setiap perangkat PBX mempunyai posisi dimana ada tombol atau switch yang bisa digunakan untuk mereset password. karena panasonic TEM824 saya belum pernah pegang, jadi klo mas berani imporvisasi, coba aja buka casingnya dan lihat posisi didalamnya. Perhatikan dengan seksama apakaha ada switch didalam motherboardnya.

Code Program PABX Panasonic or Setting PABX Panasonic: bagi teman-teman yang membutuhkan code program panasonic, berikut bisa di jadikan panduan pabx panasonic. dimana code berikut bisa digunakan untuk men-setting lama waktu telepon, buka blokir telepon, blokir telepon lokal atau juga blokir ke nomor telepon HP dsb.

selamat pagi.Ingin rasanya belajar ttg pabx. merk panasonic dan nec.dimana bisa bantu atau tempat kursur atau jual buku panduan bhs indosenia? sy sangat awam ttg pabx. bgmana memahmi dari awal shg say bisa memprogram sesuai kebutuhan. terimakasih atas bantuannya. salamton sanur

para master,,mau tanya dung..saya mau konekin pabx panasonic kx-tem824nd ke pclalu minta driver ,ADA YANG PUNYA DRIVER KX-TES824 tidak??klu ada bisa di bantu ya..??heru083815565108

Mas, Saya mau setting pabx panasonick 824 sama siapa bisa saya hubungi untuk dipandu utk besok, karena saya masih kurang faham sytem pemrogramannya. Klu bisa berapa no. tepon yang dapat saya hubungi? klu bisa pakai no tsel dech.. biar ngirit dikit biya telponnya. dan sekalian kita sepakati biaya konsulnya mas, sekalian saya belajar. tks. no saya 085260788xxx

Assalamua alikum WwbAku lg bingung disuruh bos tuk aktfin TAM pd Panasonic KX-TA624 tapi kok kayaknya ribet banget Tolong dong Kang kasih tau langkah2nya cara memprogramnyaMakasih banyak sebelumnyaWassalammualaikum

Aku sedang setting pabx kx-teb308,dan sudah di set ada yg bisa telp lokal aja dan bisa interlokal.Yang aku tanyakan gimana bikin extension yg bisa interlokal di password?Dan gimana cara pake passwordnya?

Mas minta tolong dong, cara program KX-TES824 biar bisa group pick-up/ring semua ext group tapi fax tidak langsung hidup.Group 1 (Jack 01-04)Group 2 (Jack 05-06)Fax (Jack 07), Auto answer (fax only)Saya sudah coba set UCD ke group 1 tapi fax selalu langsung jawab.Trims

begini pak diperusahaan kami kan memekai pabx kx-ta 616 dan terbagi 10 extasion dan hanya 4 yang bisa telpon keluar lokal maupun interlocal salah satunya di ext1 oparatornya nah saya bisa telpon keluar,ke hp dan interlocaldengan memakai code *83lalu no tujuan seperti kalau hp kan 0813xxxx tapi ini langsung 813xxx gak ada nol nya didepan nah saya mau ganti code *83 nya bagaimana cara nya.tolong saya pak karna code itu sudah banyak yang tau dan diperusahaan kami tidak ada IT nya dan mudah2 bapak mengerti dengan penjelasan saya

di kantor saya menggunakan PABX PANASONIC KX-TDA100. beberapa hari yg lalu saya di suruh untuk mempelajari bagaimana cara mengatur jaringan telepon dikantor saya.dan ada 4 buah telepon di bag. marketing yang ingin di program ulang, jadi 1 telepon memiliki akses untuk melakukan panggilan keluar atau menerima telepon tanpa ada batasan waktu, sedangkan yg 3 telepon hanya dapat menerima panggilan dari luar.gimana cara settingnya yaa..

mas yusuf, saya yasin, dikantor saya menggunakan PABX kx-tda100.saya ingin program ulang 4 buah tlp. jadi 1 telepon memiliki akses untuk melakukan panggilan keluar atau menerima telepon tanpa ada batasan waktu, sedangkan yg 3 telepon hanya dapat menerima panggilan dari luar.gimana cara settingnya yaa..

Oia..rekan2 di tempat saya bekerja ada panasonic A series tipe VB5450-XF.Ada yg punya manualnya ga? mau diprogram ulang.Soalnya pabx ini sudah lama tidak digunakan, dan sekarang mau di aktifkan kembali.Sudah di test semuanya masih berfungsi, tapi mau memprogram ulangnya ga tau caranya..he3

Mas saya Mau tanya, Saya pake pabx panasonic teb-308. Telepon yang bisa keluar hanya telepon operator sajah. Bagaimana caranya agar beberapa line bisa telepon keluar, saya udah coba berbagai cara, bahkan programnya sudah dicoba satusatu tapi tetep gak bisa. Tolong klo bisa dijelaskan secara rinci program apa sajah yang harus saya setting. THANK YOU

sore mas,saya mo setting pada pabx, flow nya seperti ini :1. jika ada telpon yg masuk, maka bisa terdengar nada silahkan masukan extention yg anda tuju atau tekan 1 untuk bantuan operator misalnya seperti itu, bisakah langsung di program pada fabx saya tampa menambah peralatan lagi?

Bisa bantu cara program PABX Panasonic HB Series 1232?Saya ingin kalau ada telpon masuk ke 1 nomor telpon, semua extention bisa berdering walaupun no ext-nya berbeda-beda. Terimakasih sebelumnya.

mohon bimbingannya, saya beli pabx merk panasonic KX-TES824, tp gk tau cara settingnya..saya beli second gk tau passwordnya, apakah bisa direset?? orang yg jual dulu sudah tidak bisa saya hubungi lg..tolong y pak.,..thx!!

Sebagai pemula saya sudah mencoba menggabungkan 2 pabx menjadi 1 pabx untuk type pabx KX-TA616 Dan KX-Tem 824.tetapi saya masih mendapat kendala karena apakah cara saya itu benar atau salah.berikut saya gambarkan cara saya menggabungkan/menghubungkan pabx tersebut(posisi Pabx a dan b berjarak 100m atau 2 gedung terpisah. pabx A tersambung ke jack pabx B.ataupun sebaliknya.sebagi contoh:Jika gedung A atau pabx A mau berhubungan ke gedung B atau pabx B.maka user harus menekan extension atau jack yang terhubung dengan co pabx b begitupun sebaliknya tetapi sebelum bunyi ring di tujuan (gedung B)buyi ring tersebut keluar di oprator pabx B atau gedung B maka oprator harus menyabungkan ke extention yang di tuju begitupun sebaliknya.pertanyaannya :1.Bagaimana cara setting pabx atau code apa supaya gedung A berhubungan langsung dengan gedung B tanpa oprator yang harus menyambungkan?2.Bagaimana cara setting pabx atau code apa supaya user gedung a tanpa harus menunggu jika extention yang dituju kegedung B sedang online begitupun sebaliknya.

salam master pabx sekalian , aq ada sedikit masalah sama pabx panasonic kx tda100, seting day in co sudah OK di kode 450, dengan menggunakan 4 coyg jadi masalah adalah gimana cara setting agar co no 2, saat outgoing call hanya bisa di akses oleh ext 112 saja, sedangkan extension yg laen nya akses di co 4 dan 3 , saat out going call

di kantor saya mau di tambahkan PABX panasonic TEB-308sebelumnya sudah up 4 line telepon menggunakan vsat dan menggunakan telkom (pstn)yg jd pertanyaan default ekstensi CO3 pada TEB-308 adalah 9 sy sdh cb munggunakan kabel dr telkom ke CO3 maupun dari Vsat ke CO3 pesawat telponnya bisa digunakan semua. Maksud saya ingin saya pisahkan CO3 untuk telkom dan C02 untuk vsat nah cara mengeset ekstensi CO2 itu bagaimana ya mas?

Salam Kenal mas, mau nanya saya baru beli pabx TEM824. Pertanyaan saya setiap ada telepon masuk seluruh extension berbunyi , gmn cara agar yg bunyi hanya sentral tlpnya aja atau extention yg dituju. trims mas sebelumnya

November 29, 2011 pada 10:46 amSalam Kenal mas, mau nanya saya baru beli pabx TEM824. Pertanyaan saya setiap ada telepon masuk seluruh extension berbunyi , gmn cara agar yg bunyi hanya sentral tlpnya aja atau extention yg dituju. trims mas sebelumnya

mas, di pabx saya ( kx-t123210db) no prog nya hanya terdiri 2 angka.Untuk masuk ke program:ring ext yang gak ringimg saat di telp oleh sesama ext dengan masuk ke program untuk hanya operator yang ringing saat ada telp masuk dari luar gimana?trus co2 yang dari telkom gada nada sama sekali, aapa dari telkomm ya? terimakasih

Mas mau nanya dong mengenai permasalahan PABX panasonic HB-Series 616, masalahnya begini mas, extension 11 untuk handset digital mati sedangkan menggunakan handset analog hidup, tolongin dong caranya gimana supaya extension bisa noemal kembali

Agustus 30, 2012 pada 5:35 amSelamat sore,salam kenal..maaf pakar2 pabx..saya mau ikutan nanya..kalo pabx panasonic type kx-td500 itu bisa dihubungkan ke sistem voip atau tidak ya?..mohon pencerahannya.. 2ff7e9595c

Alison Lohman (Big Fish) plays Christine Brown, an ambitious loan officer who has every intention of scoring a big promotion to assistant manager. Neck and neck with slimy competitor Stu (Reggie Lee), Christine can't afford to let her bureaucratic boss (a sly David Paymer) smell any weakness. So when a Hungarian gypsy woman (Lorna Raver) begs for one more loan extension, Christine swallows her sympathy and denies the request. Bad move: the gypsy woman goes ballistic, smacking Christine down with a terrible curse. Unless Christine can find a workaround, she's doomed to die in three days. With the bemused support of her psychology-professor boyfriend Clay (Justin Long) and her newfound psychic and spirit-world adviser Rham Jas (Dileep Rao), Christine attempts to navigate her way to salvation.

By pressing on this icon, a list of all series and studies available for the current patient is displayed. You can either press on a thumbnail or drag and drop the thumbnail on the view where you want to display the series.

Drag Me Down 1080p 3dl

  • If the series are from the same study, and if the 3D references are available in the DICOM files, the cross reference lines are displayed:The first and the last slice of the series is displayed with a yellow line.

  • The current slice is displayed with an orange line.

To change the content of the viewers, use the series selection button (see Series selection).You have to drag and drop the thumbnail to change the content of the second viewer by using the series selection button.

OsiriX HD supports the standard DICOM Query and Retrieve protocol. This feature allows you to search for and retrieve images from a PACS server or a DICOM-compliant Workstation from your device and directly download them to OsiriX HD database on your iOS device.

We have a big 4K TV sitting in the lobby and we need to monitor the content it is showing on a small tiny display with a resolution of 1080p. I know that windows wont mirror the 4K footage to the smaller screen.

Recently I found a nice way to solve this. Im answering on my own question so everybody having the issue can read it. I now use a 4K screen getting the full 3840x2160 px output from my GTX 970 and a second 1080 px display displaying the same content. So I mirrored the 4K display with downscaling to a display with less resolution.

HERE'S HOW: Just right click on the desktop and select NVIDIA Control Panel. Go to the 3D Settings and click Manage 3D Settings. Scroll down to DSR Factors and set the setting to 4.00x if you want to display 4K footage on a 1080 px display. Now you go to the windows display settings and set the resolution on the 1080 px display to 3840x2160 px. Of course this does not provide better quality on the 1080 px display. It might be worse but quality is not the reason why i have been doing this. Also I dont know if there is a equivalent solution for an AMD graphics card.

I have an NVIDIA GTX 1070ti Gaming 8G and I can confirm the DSR solution posted above absolutely works. I tried to use an external 4k->1080p scaler and it worked, but my card was not powerful enough to display two 4k signals at the same time with ultra resolution on my golf simulator game, TGC 2019. Without the scaler, my card kept downgrading the 4k to 1080p to match the monitor. Once I used the NVIDIA solution with DSR, I'm set, card can handle the 4k/1080p cloned signal and still perform! Very cool, thank you for posting!

I have two projectors and a touch screen monitor running off one card. The 4k projector and a 24" 1080p touch screen are duplicated/cloned, while the other 1080p projector is extended. The 4k projector gets a 4k signal and the others get a 1080p signal.

Note, it does take a little fiddling around in order to get it working properly. First you need to set up DSR per the instructions above, then right click on the display in the NVIDIA control panel (resolution setting) and clone one of the displays. Make sure the 4k display device is the clone source. Then select the DSR resolution that says 4k/1080p/4.x. Eventually both the 4k projector and the 1080p monitor will show 4k/1080p/4.x resolution. Note, I use the windows key+P to set the duplicated 4kprojector/monitor as primary, or the separate 1080p projector as primary.

From what I can tell, DSR is like a proxy for resolution. It tells the computer and the games/applications that your display can accepts 4k signals, so I can set 4k in the game. Then on the HDMI/display port outputs it uses EDID to gather the metadata detailing the capabilities of the display (4k, 1080p, etc), and down-converts the 4k signal to 1080p when necessary. I also believe the 4k signal is being maintained for a device capable of displaying that resolution. Reason being is when I check this signal on my 4k projector it shows 3840 x 2160, and when checking the same on the 1080p it shows 1920x1080. Secondly, there is a slider to adjust DSR sharpness in the NVIDIA control panel. When I move that from 0%-100% the sharpness changes on the 1080p monitor, but not on the 4k projector, which tells me DSR is working on the monitor, but passing the 4k signal straight to the projector. No extra hardware required. Here is an explanation of the down-scaling from NVIDIA:

This is an especially great solution for gamers that might want to play something with adaptive sync features (GSYNC, FreeSync) or want to play at your monitor's native resolution and downscale it for the screen you wish to mirror.

The problem I encountered is that by downscaling my monitor to my TV screen using Window's or NVIDIA's built in "Mirror" feature, I wasn't able to use the GSYNC feature on my monitor which introduced screen tearing and gave me headaches. Not great.

After countless online searches, it was hard for me to come up with any answer other than "It just can't be done, your other display always has to be downgraded to your other display's settings." or "Oh, you can do that but you need to get _________ expensive multi-monitor software to do that" such as UltraMon.

Turns out that's not exactly true with a bit of creative problem solving. It occurred to me that while it may not be possible to have a truly "native" solution to the problem of mirroring different screens, I could stream one display to the other display with some down-scaling. And as long as the latency wasn't noticeable, then it should suit my needs perfectly.

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Years ago, JVC made a splash with the RS1, which was their first 1080p home theater projector in reach of the average consumer. Since then, JVC's home theater offerings have always created a lot of buzz, especially their near-mythical black level performance.Their newest projector, the DLA-X30, continues in this same tradition. At $3500, the X30 is less expensive than many previous JVC home theater projectors and more in line with the prices of this year's most popular 1080p 3D models. Like its predecessors, it has excellent black level performance and a dynamic, high-contrast picture. But with a lower price comes certain compromises, and these become apparent in side-by-side testing.This review is a little different from our usual in one important way: we received our X30 from a reader who was interested in seeing our take on it, rather than obtaining a sample from JVC. It is not unusual to run into issues while testing a projector, and indeed this happened with the X30, but we have thus far not received a response from JVC. We will continue to follow up with JVC and update this review with any more information that we uncover. The Viewing ExperienceWe put the X30 in our darkened theater space, turned off the lights, and powered it up. For a long moment, we weren't sure if the projector was on at all, but then the stark white D-ILA logo sprang to life. This is what is most immediately striking about the X30: in dark scenes, the projector is capable of amazing contrast. Black level is deep and dark, then suddenly a light will appear, stark white. Black level does not change, as it does on a projector with an auto iris. In brighter scenes, black level comes up somewhat, but it still ranks among the best in its price class when it comes to black level.The JVC DLA-X30During testing, we preferred Film mode, which gave the picture its most natural appearance. However, Film mode defaults to the 6000K color temperature preset. Not only is 6000K too warm, but it actually measured more like 5500K on our test unit, so adjustment was necessary. The other thing that needs adjusting is the projector's default gamma, which gives the picture a too-contrasty artificial appearance that crushes shadow detail. This is easier to fix: go into the Custom Gamma options and select the 2.4 preset, which actually measured 2.2 on our projector. Some people may enjoy the overdriven appearance of the default gamma, and it definitely makes the projector look more three-dimensional, but videophiles and those looking for a "pure" experience will want to make the change.After adjustment, Film mode produced about 550 lumens on our projector, which is about perfect for a 120" diagonal image on a 1.3 gain screen. That's with the lamp at Normal power, too. Boosting up to High lamp gives you over 800 lumens, so it's perfect for really large screens or rooms with ambient light -- though that won't help you regain any of the black level you lose as soon as there's light in the room.

Key Features2D Picture quality. The DLA-X30 is a home theater projector, and its main focus is on delivering a great picture. The X30's performs its best with 2D high-definition content, like that from Blu-ray or HD broadcast sources. When watching such content, the X30 produces a bright, dynamic image that has plenty of three-dimensionality. Highlights sparkle while black remains inky deep, creating a good impression of depth. Detail is razor sharp even without the aid of the detail enhancer. Color, after calibration, is accurate and life-like -- though saturation could use a boost. Performance in standard definition is similar, though some additional sharpness from the projector's Detail Enhancer can help enhance the appearance of DVDs. There is also a touch more digital noise in SD than there is in HD, but the X30's Noise Reduction circuit goes a long way towards canceling that out.Pixel adjust. Any three-chip projector runs the risk of panel misalignment, which happens when the imaging elements are knocked ever-so-slightly askew and the three primary colors are projected in slightly different places. To combat this, JVC includes a pixel adjust control, allowing the user to move the red, green, and blue images relative to one another. On our projector, for example, blue was off by a half-pixel in the vertical. This system allows you to adjust for the natural drift of the imaging elements over time, which should reduce the number of times you have to send the projector back to the factory.Whisper-quiet operation. In Normal lamp mode, the X30 is almost silent -- which only reinforces the "is this thing on?" factor introduced by the projector's deep black level. With the lamp at High power, the fan produces a low rush of air that we did not find distracting, even when sitting within a foot or two of the X30's exhaust vent. Placement flexibility. With a 2.0:1 zoom lens and powered adjustments, the X30 is easy to mount in any number of possible locations. The lens shift allows for 2.9 picture heights of total range. This allows you to place the projected image completely above or completely below the centerline of the projector's lens such that the bottom (or top) edge of the image is 45% of the image's height above (or below) the lens centerline. This makes a ceiling mount or low table placement a snap. The horizontal shift has a total range of 1.8 picture widths, allowing a shift of 40% of the picture's width in either direction.The JVC DLA-X30's connection panelLens Memory. The big advantage of a powered lens, aside from making it easier to focus, align, and mount the projector, is that the X30 can be used on a 2.39:1 screen in a constant image height setup without using an anamorphic lens. In other words, you zoom the image up to fill the screen when watching cinemascope content, then zoom back down to create a smaller pillar-boxed 16:9 image in the center of the screen when watching a 16:9 movie. To make 2.39:1 viewing even easier, the X30 includes a lens memory system. This allows you to set different positions for 2.39:1 and 16:9 images which the projector will remember. When you switch back and forth, the X30 will automatically move the projected image into the space you previously designated. This way, you can adjust zoom, focus, and lens shift once, and then recall those positions in the future. Manual iris. The X30 is a bright projector, even in Normal lamp mode. For those using smaller screens, the X30 has a manual Lens Aperture that can lower light output by up to 36% in increments of 2-3%. In other words, Film mode's 562 lumens can be reduced to a more manageable 360 lumens, which is perfect for a 100" diagonal screen in a dark room. As the lamp settles down (all lamps lose brightness over the first few hundred hours), you can open the iris back up to allow more light through, thereby maintaining constant brightness on your screen.3D. The X30 is a full HD 3D projector that uses active shutter glasses and has support for all of the HDMI 1.4 3D transmission formats. The projector does not come with an emitter or glasses; these must be purchased separately. The PK-EM1 external IR emitter ($99) is the same model used on last year's RS-40, while the PK-AG2 glasses ($179) are new for this year. The glasses are comfortable and lightweight, and though the lenses are small the glasses sit very close to your eyes, so you won't see the frames in the corners of your vision. The X30 allows the use of any image mode while watching 3D, not just a preprogrammed 3D mode. That said, the projector's 3D mode provides the maximum possible light output from the projector, and it is useful when trying to combat the brightness loss inherent in watching 3D material. Lamp mode can also be changed; you're not locked to high lamp mode as you are on some other projectors. Frame interpolation is not available when viewing 3D, or at least the projector's Clear Motion Drive option is not available. If anything is going on behind the scenes, it is not accessible to users. 2ff7e9595c

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